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A Spanish 3Rs Update


Dr. Maria Pilar Vinardell (left) and Dr. Mariana Crespo (right) during InterNiche presentation.

It was very interesting to assist at 3Rs simposium promoted by CUIMP and coordinated by Dr. M.Pilar Vinardell (University of Barcelona) in collaboration with REMA (the Spanish network for the development of non-animal alternative methods).

Last Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th of November, several experts provided a great update on 3Rs regulation, tools and development of new non-animal alternatives for toxicology, education, basic and applied research.

During the first afternoon, Dr. Cantó (CEA - Generalitat de Catalunya) presented an historical view of the 3Rs concept and social-scientific movement. Followed by the European directive and Spanish law latest updates by Dr. Rodrigo (UB). Dr. Repetto (REMA) closed the first day with a very useful presentation of resources, tools and demonstration about wether look for alternative methods online.

Tuesday session started with Dr. Crespo from Portugal presenting the InterNiche wide offer of alternatives for educational purposes. Dr. Vinardell showed the evolution and state of the art of cosmetics safety testing from animal-based testing to its eradication. Then, Dr. Villa gave a great and interesting talk about Organ-on-chip state of the art.

The symposium finished with a full view of alternative methods validation process by Dr. Esckes, who closed the intensive and very complete overview about 3Rs.

In our opinion this was a great experience and more events like this one should be organised and more stakeholders engaged.

FRESCI is highly involved in promoting non-animal alternatives in order to improve the timing and efficacy of scientific results translation to human application.

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